Vedanta Writings

Tea & Talk – Hinduismus

MIT REFERENT:INNEN DER WELTRELIGIONEN Mittwoch, 26.06.2024,18.30 – 20.30 Uhr VERANSTALTUNGSORT:Volkskundemuseum am PaulustorPaulustorgasse 11-13a8010 Graz Unten finden Sie den Text zu meiner Rede über das Friedenspotential des Hinduismus. Ich komme aus Bangalore, Sudindien, und meine Eltern kommen aus unterschiedlichen Bundesländern in Sudindien. Mein Vater aus Karnataka spricht Kannada. Meine Mutter aus Tamil Nadu spricht Tamil. Ich […]

Allgemein General

Aanjaneyar Vaal Pooja Vidhanam

In our family, my grandfather used to do this Pooja. Others in the family also began to do it and I too joined in when I was a young boy. It is giving Phala Siddhi/ Karya Siddhi for the person who is sincerely seeking Lord Aanjaneya’s grace. The painting is a visualization by Vinu, who […]

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Hair Hundi in Tirumala

If you want to offer hair in Tirumala, you are actually directed to the many Kalyanakattas, as they are called. However if you just want to offer already cut hair, there’s a way to do it. Go to the Mini Kalyana in Nandakam Rest House. Here’s the address: https://goo.gl/maps/KhbKFLw3946o9KWf9 When you enter the building you […]

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Srivari Trust Donation Access in Tirumala

If one donates 10,500 Rupees to TTD, then one gets VIP Darshan of Lord Venkateshwara. Now there are two ways of donating. The more well known way is to donate online and follow the process of getting the ticket there. The other way which is not so well documented, is to donate directly in Tirumala […]

Allgemein General

NRI Access in Tirumala

I intend here to document my privileged access to Tirumala Balaji temple in the month of May 2023. Hope that this will help others who have similar privileges. NRI Access If you are an NRI and you have arrived to Tirumala, within one month of the date of arrival, then you have this possibility. What […]


Yoga 11.01.23

Didn’t get to Gomukhasana. Was a very relaxed session with time between Asanas. No hurry burry.

General Meinung


The sleepy garden city is trying hard to be the modern technological hub, that it has always claimed itself to be. Before the sleepy city really grew till 1990, South End Circle was literally what it was. The southern end of Bangalore with a population of 4 Million. Then Narasimha Rao Government allowed for globalisation, […]

Avidya Vedanta

Detours for the intellectual

It seems very clear actually. One has to do Sadhana so that one comes to Chittashuddhi. With Chittashuddhi, one has earned the Sadhanachatushtaya. Then, intuit the self through the self. You emerge on the otherside. But we like to take pitstops and exits on this arduous highway. So let us add some more Adhyaropa, superimposition, […]

Avidya Vedanta


With the statement भिद्यते हृदयग्रन्थिश्छिद्यन्ते सर्वसंशयाः।क्शीयन्ते चास्य कर्माणि तस्मिन्‌ दृष्टे परावरे ॥ one assumes that all Karmas are burnt or exhausted. However some Vedantins like to say that the Prarabhda Karma for this person continues till he drops the body. Some other people say, the cloth is burnt, so there is no more Karma. The […]

Avidya Vedanta

Avidya: Locus & Nature

The ignorant cannot locate Avidya since he is it. He is ignorant. The Jnani cannot locate Avidya, since he sees no ignorance. He sees himself clear as daylight as Brahman. There is hence for him no Avidya, forget the locus. But why do we still ask the question then? So the attempt has been to […]
