To my surprise the Ardhabaddha Padmottanasana was so tough that people were overwhelmed. The Natrajasana Sequence was well received. Never got to the rest. Ujjayi seems to be a mystery to many people.
Monat: August 2022
Cyclic Meditation was very well received by the audience. I seem to forget the mantras. Breathing meditation seems to be a challenge for many people. Some people prefer visualisation, some others prefer Mantra meditation Cyclic Meditation was very well received by the audience I tend to forget the Mantras and so they did not flow […]
Prayers for Meditation
या कुन्देन्दुतुषारहारधवला या शुभ्रवस्त्रावृताया वीणावरदण्डमण्डितकरा या श्वेतपद्मासना ।या ब्रह्माच्युतशंकरप्रभृतिभिर्देवैः सदा पूजितासा मां पातु सरस्वति भगवती निःशेषजाड्यापहा ॥१॥ लये संबोधयेच्चित्तं विक्षिप्तं शमयेत्पुनः ।सकषायं विजानीयात्समप्राप्तं न चालयेत् ॥ 3-४४ ॥ अपाने जुह्वति प्राण प्राणेऽपानं तथाऽपरे। प्राणापानगती रुद्ध्वा प्राणायामपरायणाः।।4.29।। शनैः शनैरुपरमेद् बुद्ध्या धृतिगृहीतया। आत्मसंस्थं मनः कृत्वा न किञ्चिदपि चिन्तयेत्।।6.25।। अखण्डमण्डलाकारं व्याप्तं येन चराचरम् ।तत्पदं दर्शितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥२॥ गुरूर्ब्रह्मा गुरूर्विष्णुः गुरूर्देवो महेश्वरः ।गुरूर्साक्षात परब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः ।।
Yoga 24.08.22
Yoga 17.08.22
It went rather smoothly and we completed everything on the list.
Sitting bone pain and heel pain
The history of my pain This documents the pain of an injury that goes mostly uncared for by the doctors, since they don’t really perceive it as an injury. About 20 years back I hurt my tail bone. I cannot really remember the cause. For one, I do remember that I fell backwards while playing […]
Yoga 10.08.22
Yoga 03.08.22
Yoga 27.07.22
It was a well structured class. We only came up till Trikonasana though. I introduced the Chaturanga with a bolster at the chest.