In our family, my grandfather used to do this Pooja. Others in the family also began to do it and I too joined in when I was a young boy. It is giving Phala Siddhi/ Karya Siddhi for the person who is sincerely seeking Lord Aanjaneya’s grace.
The painting is a visualization by Vinu, who was the artist for Kalki Magazine. Since the image is not available nowadays, I am uploading a scanned copy. Please contact me if it is a copyright issue. I will delete the picture from the website.

If someone wants a higher resolution scanned copy of the image for printing and performing the Puja, please write to me.
The painting has following Shlokas surrounding it:
आंजनेय मति पाटलाननं कांचनादि कमनीय विग्रहम् ।
पारिजात तरुमूलवासिनं भावयामि पवमान नंदनम् ॥१।।
यत्र यत्र रघुनाथकीर्तनं तत्र तत्र कृतमस्तकांजलिम् ।
बाष्पवारि परिपूर्ण लोचनं मारुतिं नमत राक्षसांतकम् ।।२।।
मनोजवं मारुततुल्यवेगं
जितेन्द्रियं बुद्धिमतां वरिष्ठ ।
वातात्मजं वानरयूथमुख्यं
श्रीरामदूतं शरणं प्रपद्ये ।।३।।
Pooja Vidhi/ Instructions
- It is a 45-day Pooja. With each day, one Kumkum Bottu (Dot/Bindhi) is applied to the tail of Hanuman. Due to modern optimized society pressures, allowances are made to conduct the Pooja in multiples of 45. For e.g. 15 days x 3 Bottus, 9 days x 5 Bottus etc.
- God should face east.
- We should sit facing north.
- Chandan must be applied first on the forehead and then on the tail.
- After applying the Chandan, red Kumkum must be applied.
- Only the Kumkum and Chandan on forehead must be removed, the next day.
- Anyone in family can continue in case of discontinuity by the main person.
- On the last day, Vademale made of Urad, Pepper and Salt – 108/54/27/9 Vadas can be made. The thread must be made of jute.
- On the last day Naivedyam must also be offered– Banana, Coconut, Ghee, Jaggery
Pooja Proper
Ganapathi Aavahanam
शुक्लाम्बरधरं विष्णुं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजम् ।
प्रसन्नवदनं ध्यायेत् सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये ॥
प्राणायाम्। Perform Pranayama
ममोपात्त समस्त दुरित क्षयद्वारा श्रीआञ्जेय प्रीत्यर्थं सर्वाभीष्ट सिध्यर्थं श्री आञ्जनेय
प्रसाद सिध्यर्थं श्री आञ्जनेय पूजां करिष्ये ।
श्री आञ्जनेयं ध्यायामि । Offer either flowers/ Akshathe.
श्री आञ्जनेयं आवाहयामि । Offer either flowers/ Akshathe.
आसनं समर्पयामि । Offer Akshathe.
पाद्यं समर्पयामि । Transfer water from one tumbler to another
अर्घ्यं समर्पयामि । Offer water to ground
आचमनीयं समर्पयामि । Offer water into tumbler (I think here proper आचमनीयं has to be performed)
स्नानं समर्पयामि । Sprinkle water on God and clean with a cotton cloth
स्नानानन्तरम् आचमनीयं समर्पयामि ।Offer water to tumbler
वस्त्र यज्ञोपवीत उत्तरीय आभरणार्थे इमे अक्षताः । Offer Akshathe
गन्धान् धारयामि । Keep Gandham/Chandanam on forehead and tail
हरिद्रा चूर्णं समर्पयामि । Keep Kumkum on forehead and tail
गन्धस्योपरि अक्षतान् समर्पयामि । Offer Akshathe
पुष्पाणि समर्पयामि । Offer flowers
16 Mantras to be chanted:
- श्री आञ्जनेयाय नमः ।
- वायुपुत्राय नमः।
- ब्रह्मचारिणे नमः ।
- सर्वारिष्ट निवारकाय नमः।
- शुभकराय नमः ।
- पिङ्गलाक्षाय नमः।
- अक्षापहाय नमः।
- सीतान्वेषण तत्पराय नमः।
- कपिवराय नमः।
- कोटीन्दु सूर्य प्रभाय नमः।
- लंकाद्वीप भयंकराय नमः।
- सकलदाय नमः।
- सुग्रीव सम्मानिताय नमः।
- देवेन्द्रादि समस्तदेव विनुताय नमः।
- काकुत्स्थ दूताय नमः।
- हनुमते नमः।
Following this you have to chant 108 Mantras. Here is the link to the 108 Mantras:
If you cannot do 108 Mantras then you can also stop with the 16.
Please note that you have to offer flowers as you chant each Mantra.
धूपार्थं दीपार्थं अक्षतान् समर्पयामि। Offer Dhoopam, then Deepam, and then Akshathe
Do Nivedhanam – Offer kadale, banana, drakshi, kalkand, fruits, milk, coconut, paysam
श्री आञ्जनेयाय नमः। ऐतत् सर्वं निवेदयामि। Offer Akshathe
कर्पुर ताम्बूलं समर्पयामि। Saying this, hold the camphor ready. Then light it and say the following prayer ->
नीराजनं सुमांगल्यं कोटिसूर्य समप्रभम्।
अहं भक्त्या प्रदास्यामि स्वीकुरुष्व दयानिधे।।
श्री आञ्जनेयाय नमः। समस्तापराध क्षमार्थं सर्वमङ्गल प्राप्त्यर्थं कर्पूर-नीराजने दर्शयामि।।
Touch aarti with both hands and take it to your eyes.
रक्षां धारयामि। Say this three times, as you take the flame.
मन्त्रपुष्पं समर्पयामि। Offer flowers
Namaskara mantram:
वज्रदेहाय कालाग्नि-रुद्रायामित तेजसे।
ब्रह्मास्त्र-स्तंभनायास्मै नमस्ते रुद्रमूर्तये।।
मर्कटेश महोत्साह सर्वशोकविनाशक।
शत्रून् संहर मां रक्ष श्रियं दासाय देहि मे।।
When chanting this, offer shastanga namaskara. Here you can pray for the fulfullment of your wish.
Then do aachanaman.
श्री रामार्पणमस्तु ।। Leave water to the ground.
असाध्य साधक स्वामिन
असाध्य तव किंवद
राम दूत कृपा सिंधो
मत्कार्यं साध्यप्रभो ।।
Chant 3 Times
Final words

Though the book says that for Aachamanam that one has to offer water to the ground, it would probably make more sense to do Aachamanam proper. Also some of the shortcuts here are simply given, since people don’t get enough time. Ideally one would do the Pooja everyday for 45 days and give enough time each day for every aspect of the Pooja. If you have any questions, please free to contact me using the contact form
7 Antworten auf „Aanjaneyar Vaal Pooja Vidhanam“
Hi There,
Can I please get a high resolution photo of Vinu Anjaneyar??
Thank you
Please send me a mail through
Thanks for the information
Jai Hanuman
Can I get a copy please.
Please contact me here –
Hello sir,
I really appreciate you describing the puja process in detail.
We want to do this puja at our home. Kindly send us a high resolution image of this photo so that we can get a good quality print framed.
Please contact me here.