It seems very clear actually. One has to do Sadhana so that one comes to Chittashuddhi. With Chittashuddhi, one has earned the Sadhanachatushtaya. Then, intuit the self through the self. You emerge on the otherside. But we like to take pitstops and exits on this arduous highway. So let us add some more Adhyaropa, superimposition, […]
Tag: Vedanta
The ignorant cannot locate Avidya since he is it. He is ignorant. The Jnani cannot locate Avidya, since he sees no ignorance. He sees himself clear as daylight as Brahman. There is hence for him no Avidya, forget the locus. But why do we still ask the question then? So the attempt has been to […]
Contention: No Avidya In sleep, Brahman alone is, there is no Avidya, is one contention. This is a state which is then related to in the waking state. Here the waker says that he slept and he had no knowledge. Also that there was the presence of Avidya in sleep is from the waker’s perspective […]
Prayers for Meditation
या कुन्देन्दुतुषारहारधवला या शुभ्रवस्त्रावृताया वीणावरदण्डमण्डितकरा या श्वेतपद्मासना ।या ब्रह्माच्युतशंकरप्रभृतिभिर्देवैः सदा पूजितासा मां पातु सरस्वति भगवती निःशेषजाड्यापहा ॥१॥ लये संबोधयेच्चित्तं विक्षिप्तं शमयेत्पुनः ।सकषायं विजानीयात्समप्राप्तं न चालयेत् ॥ 3-४४ ॥ अपाने जुह्वति प्राण प्राणेऽपानं तथाऽपरे। प्राणापानगती रुद्ध्वा प्राणायामपरायणाः।।4.29।। शनैः शनैरुपरमेद् बुद्ध्या धृतिगृहीतया। आत्मसंस्थं मनः कृत्वा न किञ्चिदपि चिन्तयेत्।।6.25।। अखण्डमण्डलाकारं व्याप्तं येन चराचरम् ।तत्पदं दर्शितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥२॥ गुरूर्ब्रह्मा गुरूर्विष्णुः गुरूर्देवो महेश्वरः ।गुरूर्साक्षात परब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः ।।
My eyes open. I am still rather sleepy. It is however clear as the daylight entering the room that I am in the waking state. How do I know it? I recognize my surroundings, my familiar mind and its thoughts. If the Vedantin were to tell me, in the dream you were sure, you were […]
Habt ihr über Immanuel Kant gehört? Er war ein Philosoph in Deutschland und ist bekannt für sein Buch “Kritik der reinen Vernunft”. Ich möchte ein Begriff erklären – es heißt entweder das Noumenon oder wie Kant hat es genannt “Ding-an-sich”. Was bedeutet ein Ding-an-sich? Wenn man eine Blume sieht, dann man sagt „Die Blume ist […]
Die Vedas ermöglichen dem Menschen sein Leben in Vollkommenheit zu bringen. Purushartha ist das Sanskrit Wort für die Ziele wonach die Menschen streben sollten. In den Veden sind vier Purusharthas definiert: Dharma: Im Handeln mit und in der Welt, ethischen und moralischer Regeln folgen Artha: Das Streben nach Wohlstand und Sicherheit Kama: Die Erfüllung von Wünschen und Begehren Moksha: Erleuchtung zu erlangen bzw. sich selbst zu erkennen Artha und Kama sind Instinkt orientierte menschliche Eigenschaften. Jeder wünscht sich Wohlstand und Sicherheit. […]